
Algest 2014 - Oran, Algèria. from 20th to 23rd October. Industrial Subcontracting International Fair.   SIANE 2014 - Tolosa.

From 21th to 23rd October. "Grand Soud"  Industrial Subcontracting Fair, the industrial meeting at


METALMADRID 2014 - VII Madrid Community Industrial Fair. It takes place on 29th and 30th October at IFEMA Madrid. Visit our estand (Pavilion 5 Stand A15) at Metalmadrid, the event that reflexes all the interesting subjects for the industrial sector: Machinery, Subcontracting, Supplies, Engineering, Materials, ...

MIDEST 2014 - de 4th a 7th November in París. We will be glad to receive your visit to our estand at Midest, our Yearly meeting in the worldwide reference platform for interchanges between purchasers and subcontractors. This event interrelates the main manufacturing processes sectors, such us the industrial subcontracting, machinery and supplies for the càsting, Forging, rolling and surface treatment, the steel industry and automation. Manufacturers, suppliers and fitters are in situ with solution providers in the field of metall processing, plàstics, electronics, micro technology and services to the industry.